Sorry, there have been no posts for a couple of days, but we’ve been bust trying to get heads round keeping in touch other than Facebook or website and also I will be recording a short video or Scripture, reflection & prayer later today for posting tomorrow (Sunday) about 11am on both our churches’ Facebook pages and the websites. I have also got additional resources for prayer & scripture which will be posting over the next day or two. Meanwhile here is the prayer our Bishop has asked all of us to pray on daily basis. the language may be slightly old, but it doesn’t lessen the message of the prayer:
‘Almighty and merciful God, who in days of old didst give to this land the benediction of thy holy Church; Withdraw not, we pray thee, thy favour from us, but so correct what is amiss, and supply what is lacking, that we may more and more bring forth fruit to thy glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord.’