Many people have been asking about what they do about their weekly offering etc. and how is the church coping financially. I have initially been reluctant to put up anything that could be construed as asking for money as we are more concerned about peoples’ well being etc., especially during a time such as this, but in order to answer the questions and give advice I hope the following is helpful.
These are uncertain times for us all. Life is very different and we respect that financial situations may have changed amid this pandemic. We are fortunate that neither of our churches are in desperate states re finance, although that situation will not last forever and so if you are still able to support our churches’ ministries and outreach during these times, we would be thankful.
It would also mean that we as a church can continue to support others who, in turn, are struggling.
For those that have envelopes and want to continue then I would suggest you simply put the money to one side and at some point when things have improved you can bring the envelope(s) to church or ask that I or someone else take to church for you.
also from 10th August there will be a Drop Off point each Monday between 11am-12noon at the Woburn Hall. This can be used to drop off any offering envelopes etc. and also any Foodbank contributions. I hope this is helpful. God bless>
In order to give regularly at any time (& especially during this crisis) without the bother of envelopes, the best and safest way is via a standing order which is a regular payment from your bank account to ours.
If you wish to either set up a standing order to replace envelopes or set up a standing order having not given before to the church then this is easily done by contacting your bank and giving them the payment instructions, how much you wish to pay, when and how often.
Most banks allow you to set up a new standing order via online banking or via telephone. You are in full control of the standing order and can stop or alter it at any point by contacting your bank.
You will need the church’s bank details so rather than post both churches’ details on our website or Facebook pages I have decided it might be best, for those who wish to set up a standing order, to contact me (use the contact info on this website if you don’t already know how) and I can give you the account name, number and sort code of whichever church you wish to be the beneficiary.
NB: For a reference please use your name so it can be applied correctly by the treasurer and if you already have an Free Will Offering envelope number, please also quote that before your name in the reference.
I hope that makes sense and is helpful. God bless and thank you