Day 5 – Prayer Focus: Select Vestries

Day 5 of Diocesan “10 Days of Prayer” – Prayer Focus: “Select Vestries”
Adapted from a prayer ‘For the General Synod’ (Book of Common Prayer p.150)

Let us pray:
Lord God, the Father of lights and the Fountain of all wisdom, you have promised through your Son Jesus Christ 
to be with the universal Church to the end of the world;
We humbly pray you to look with favour upon 
the members of the Select Vestries of the Dioceses of Down and Dromore as they assemble and take counsel together in your name, for your Church.
Mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may rest upon them, enlighten, and guide them;
And that all their consultations may be prospered
to the advancement of your honour and glory,
and the welfare of your Church.
Lead them and us into all truth;
that your Church may ever hold fast and abide 
in the Apostolic and true Catholic faith,
and serve you without fear in pureness of worship and life,
according to your will;
through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Prayer Points
* That Select Vestry members in the diocese may find joy in the call they have received to this ministry
* For Select Vestries as they explore the challenges of COVID-19 for Churches:
– especially around income which may be reduced while gathered public worship is suspended; 
– and expenditure as new and different ways to facilitate worship and service become necessary
* For missional leadership from Select Vestries, that their priorities would be dictated by the desire to see more and more people come to Christ and grow as disciples

Here, also is Bishop David’s video message, teaching and prayers for Select Vestries initially, but also for all of us: